I made cat food from ground turkey, beef pastrami, and beef hotdogs.
I started this blog because many people told me I should start one to show the not so pretty side of homesteading skills, the mess in the kitchen, the mess in the yard, the mess every where. We live right around the poverty level and still manage to live well (if you don't count the debt in which we are drowning) and eat very well. The main pic is wild mallard stuffed with homemade stuffing and homemade, fresh bread. Not bad for someone who teeters on the wall of poverty.
About Me
- R
- I am a wife and mother. I have a son (W) who is ten and a daughter (E) who is 8. I have two bonus children: a stepson (N) who is 18 and a stepdaughter (A) who is 14. My bio children are educated at home while the bonuses go to regular school.